Where does our electricity come from?
We are using more and more electricity
Our everyday life is increasingly electric, nothing works without "E". Nowadays, who doesn't have a smartphone, laptop, tablet or television that can also be connected to the Internet if they wish? Who doesn't want an e-bike? Who doesn't use an electric toothbrush, electric kitchen appliances and many other useful everyday aids that should make our lives easier? Alexa, Smart Home - all of this is taken for granted today and is easily forgotten when we ask ourselves why we are using more and more electricity. And of course the advancing digitization of the workingworld, the switch to e-mobility and electricity-based processes such as electrically operated heating systems, which is required by politicians. In order to achieve all the planned climate targets by 2030, the European electricity demand will be almost a fifth higher than previously assumed.
Where does our electricity come from today?
Figures currently published by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISEFigures currently published by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE prove: Around 57.5% of the electricity mix that came out of our sockets in the first half of 2021 was generated conventionally. With around 38%, coal power has the largest share, the rest is split between nuclear energy, oil and gas. So most of the electricity still comes from dirty energy sources.
Saving electricity is the order of the day - now and immediately
In addition to the long-term switch to renewable energies, the immediate reduction in energy consumption is therefore of crucial importance in order to reduce both emissions and energy costs for consumers and industry. So within the EU a total reduction of 36–39% for final energy and primary energy consumption by 2030EU a total reduction of 36–39% for final energy and primary energy consumption by 2030can be achieved. First and foremost, the demand for electricity is to be contained through increased energy efficiency of the products already on the market and through a sustainable change in consumer behavior in our society.
Power guzzlers: Outdated lighting
Eine einfache und schnelle Maßnahme ist die Umrüstung veralteter und ineffizienter Beleuchtungsanlagen auf sustainable and efficient LED lightsustainable and efficient LED light. Because lighting accounts for a fifth of global electricity consumption - if, for example, only 5% of the 500 million fluorescent tubes that are permanently burning in Germany are replaced by LED tubes, one of the six active nuclear power plants in Germany could be switched off.
Find out more from us: In the next article on the subject of "Saving electricity", we will explain exactly how an electricity bill is composed and what is behind the individual price types.