Energy efficient LED tubes are seven times more useful than a wind turbine
Fluorescent tubes are gigantic power guzzlers and are still used by the millions in Germany - an estimated 800 million of them hang in public buildings, ministries, car parks, industrial companies and 400 million of them are in use every day. They contribute significantly to the persistently high electricity consumption in Germany. Instead of saving electricity and replacing fluorescent tubes, electricity capacities in Germany are still being expanded, such as wind energy in regions with low wind speeds.
4.3 million EURO electricity savings per year with GLT TUBES
A wind turbine with a rated output of 2,000 kWh causes acquisition costs of EUR 2 million, which leads to a yield for the end customer of approx. EUR 630,000 per year (18 % capacity utilisation, Baden-Württemberg). The same EUR 2 million investment in energy-efficient LED tubes such as the GLT TUBE results in electricity savings of EUR 4.3 million per year for the end customer. Without follow-up costs such as expensive maintenance costs. It therefore makes sense to replace the fluorescent tubes first before considering an investment in wind turbines.
Wind energy in Germany today
Wind energy currently accounts for around 23% of gross electricity generation in Germany. The efficiency of wind turbines depends heavily on their location; they reach their rated output at wind speeds of between 10 and 13 metres per second (i.e. around 36 to 44 km/h). At lower wind speeds, production is severely limited and at higher speeds, production is no longer possible. Windy offshore turbines achieve a capacity utilisation of 35%-55%, while in Baden-Württemberg, where there is little wind, capacity utilisation is currently between 17% and 20%.
How much electricity does a wind turbine produce*?
Location 1:
Inland wind turbine, mediocre location with a low number of full load hours
Utilisation/year: 17% - 20%
Nominal output: 2000 kW
Full load hours/year: 1720 h
Annual production: 3,530 MWh
Location 2:
Wind turbine near the coast, windy location, high number of full load hours
Utilisation/year: 40%
Nominal output: 5,500 kW
Full load hours/year: 3,050 h
Annual production: 19,300 MWh
Replace 1:1 with GLT TUBE and save energy
The calculation works out if you replace fluorescent tubes 1:1 in existing fittings in accordance with international standard IEC EN 62776 with energy-efficient LED tubes such as the GLT TUBE. This not only reduces electricity consumption by up to 80%, but is also extremely environmentally friendly and sustainable by maintaining the standardised luminaire infrastructure. Maintenance costs are eliminated, and after the retrofit the luminaires can be operated without the need for specialised electricians.
Light-as-a-Service without investment
GLT TUBES can also be purchased without investment via Light-as-a-Service. You save from day one without tying up capital. GLT Rent AG provides financing, including conversion, and guarantees consistent lighting without downstream costs and risks.
Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-WürttembergLandesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg
Bluedrift KGBluedrift KG
EnBW Baden-Württemberg AGEnBW Baden-Württemberg AG