Mercury ban seals the end of the fluorescent tube
Although mercury has been banned in electrical and electronic equipment since 2006, exemptions for T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes have been approved time and again. Companies and municipalities are currently busy with the conversion to LED. Therefore, the demand for standardised LED fluorescent tubes has risen very strongly in recent months.
EU regulation on mercury
"Mercury is a very toxic substance that poses a significant global threat to human health, ecosystems and natural flora and fauna".1 Mercury in light sources will be phased out by 25 August 2023 at the latest. These are subject to the EU Directive on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, or RoHS Directive.2 It was recently adapted and provides for a so-called "phasing out" of environmentally harmful light sources.3
Healthy light must be the standard
Artificial light with modern LED technology is healthy, efficient and sustainable. Healthy light must be the standard in responsible companies, authorities and municipalities as soon as possible. For the benefit of employees and our environment.
LED Retrofit according to DIN EN 62776 protects resources
Refurbishment - but how? LED Retrofit is the sustainable refurbishment solution. It protects the environment by reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions while conserving resources. Old fluorescent tubes are replaced 1:1 with efficient LED tubes. As much as possible of the existing, standardised infrastructure of luminaires and fittings remains intact. After the upgrade, the responsible customer receives a standardised system that will be state of the art in the future. The luminaires are now low-maintenance holders with standardised sockets and will not require spare parts in the future. They can be operated manufacturer-independently and without electrical specialists.
The alternative for the commercial user are GLT TUBEs from Germany
The GLT TUBEs from German LED Tech were specially developed for LED retrofits for commercial use. They are high-quality and durable LED tubes for T5/G5 and T8/G13 sockets. They are made of aluminium, are 100% shatterproof, have an integrated high-performance power supply and special heat management. They are produced in Germany, are 90% recyclable and are returned to the cycle via a unique reusable system. They are ENEC-certified according to EN 62776. The failure probability of the GLT TUBE over the minimum service life of 50,000 hours is less than 1%. Find out more herehere.
1 Verordnung (EU) 2017/852 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rats vom 17. Mai 2017 über Quecksilber und zur Aufhebung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1102/2008 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 22. Oktober 2008.
2 Richtlinie 2011/65/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 8. Juni 2011 zur Beschränkung der Verwendung bestimmter gefährlicher Stoffe in Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten (Neufassung) Text von Bedeutung für den EWR.
3 Delegierte Richtlinie (EU) der Kommission vom 16. Dezember 2021 zur Änderung des Anhangs III der Richtlinie 2011/65/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates hinsichtlich einer Ausnahme für die Verwendung von Quecksilber in beidseitig gesockelten linearen Leuchtstofflampen für allgemeine Beleuchtungszwecke.