Finally an end to defective electronic ballasts
If you decide to convert to LED in your company, the new lighting system must be efficient, sustainable and, above all, durable. Therefore, it is important to avoid all external sources of error. This includes failure-prone ballasts. The solution is all-in-one LED tubes such as the GLT TUBEs by German LED Tech, which are directly connected to 230V voltage. The ballast is not required. The overvoltage protection is also integrated in the GLT TUBE. After rewiring the luminaire, you have a standardised complete system which you reduces your operating costs to a minimum and which can be operated in the future without specialist knowledge.
Failure source defective ballast
Some experts say that removing the ballast and rewiring the luminaire is not necessary. But what happens when an LED tube with an external ballast no longer lights up? The troubleshooting begins, and the source of the failure can usually be quickly identified: a defective ballast, the main cause of failure of these lamps. Checking and repairing is complex and can only be done by a specialist.
Power supply and LED tube are often not compatible
And beware: not every ballast is compatible with every tube. On the contrary, an unsuitable LED tube in a fitting with an ECG ballast can have dangerous consequences. For this reason, manufacturers have made long compatibility lists available for download on their websites, which have to be studied extensively and exclude any liability. Therefore, responsible customers insist on rewiring the existing fittings or procure new luminaires for LED tubes.
The GLT TUBE - durable and economical
In addition to durability and low maintenance costs, another advantage is the energy efficiency of the integrated complete systems. The power loss of the existing ballasts is eliminated. This means a great advantage in terms of economy.
Conclusion: remove the ballast once and rewire the luminaire, then you will never again have to waste thoughts and costs on broken ballasts and compatibility lists. You will have safe and sustainable lighting for the future that is in line with the EU's environmental goals.