EnBW chooses GLT TUBE
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG will convert its fluorescent tubes to modern LED lighting across all divisions. In addition to cost-effectiveness, the energy company is particularly interested in the eco-balance of the new light sources. As a basis for decision-making, EnBW therefore commissioned the renowned Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP with a study to determine not only the energy efficiency but also the EF3.0 Climate Change (Carbon Footprint) impact category of various light sources. Particular attention was paid to the GLT TUBE 150 from German LED Tech and the question of whether or when the comparatively higher purchase price pays off. A summary of the study you can see herehere
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study was to determine the life cycle assessment of the GLT TUBE using the example of the GLT TUBE 150 in order to be able to use it in the overall economic efficiency calculation and implementation concepts of EnBW. EnBW and Fraunhofer IBP determined comparative products, which were analysed and evaluated.
GLT TUBE after 15 days beneficial
Including the environmental impacts, the production and the end of life of the GLT TUBE 150, the advantage in the impact category EF3.0 Climate Change is achieved after 15 days compared with 58 W fluorescent tubes and after 101 days compared with comparable competitors LED tubes.
Energy efficiency for a successful energy transition
Energy-efficient systems are crucial for a successful energy transition. Even with an increase in the proportion of renewable energies in the German (DE) electricity mix, conversion to the GLT TUBE pays off immediately.
Resources efficiency stops pollution
The resources efficiency of a product will be of decisive importance for its advantageousness in the future. This includes durability and the reuse of as many components as possible. The unique reusable system for all GLT TUBEs and the possibility to recycle 90% of the GLT TUBE are trend-setting and already fulfil all criteria today.
EnBW relies on GLT TUBE
Due to the outstanding economic and ecological balance of the GLT TUBE compared to the competition and based on the results of the work of the Fraunhofer Institute IBP, EnBW decides to replace the fluorescent tubes with GLT TUBEs in all areas of the company.