A quick end to toxic fluorescent tubes
In addition, the directive on ecodesign requirements for light sources adopted by the EU Commission in 2019/2020 will remain. In addition to energy efficiency and longevity, it will also newly regulate the environmentally design and the labelling of energy consumption for lamps, luminaires and ballasts.
Fraunhofer IBP and EnBW confirm - beneficial after 15 days
What does this exactly mean? Since 26.8.2023, T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes may no longer be marketed in the EU. Now it is time to act quickly, replace them immediately and reduce costs and environmental toxins. We at German LED Tech have the simple and sustainable solution: LED Retrofit with energy-efficient and sustainable GLT TUBEs. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG wanted to know and commissioned work from the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP. The result: after just 15 days, the GLT TUBE is already ahead of fluorescent tubes and after 101 days it is ahead of comparable competitor products. The overall economic and ecological balance of the GLT TUBE compared to the competition is excellent ( More information )( More information )
LED Retrofit according to DIN EN 62776 protects resources
LED Retrofit protects the environment. Because as much as possible of the existing, standardised infrastructure of luminaires and fittings is retained. Why tear everything from the ceiling if the luminaires are still worth preserving and state of the art? After the upgrade, the responsible customer receives a standardised system that will be state of the art in the future. The luminaires are now low-maintenance holders with standardised sockets and will not need spare parts in the future. They can be fitted 1:1 with compatible LED light sources by non-specialists, regardless of the manufacturer.
Energy-efficient systems for a successful energy transition
The GLT TUBEs from German LED Tech have been specially developed for LED retrofits and are high-quality, long-life LED tubes for T5/G5 and T8/G13 sockets. They are made of aluminium, are 100% shatterproof, have a high-performance power supply and special thermal management. They are produced in Germany, 90% recyclable and are returned to the cycle via a unique reusable system. They are ENEC-certified according to EN 62776 and have been proven the "best technology available on the market". The failure rate of the GLT TUBE over the minimum service life of 50,000 hours is less than 1%. ( More informationMore information ).
* Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment